Baldwin Street might be steep, but it won’t cost you a cent to walk up it. Sweat is the only price you’ll pay to visit this world-beating Dunedin attraction.

Many a would-be conqueror has stood at the bottom of Baldwin Street and told themselves and their mates that the climb will be a breeze. But don't be so sure. It may not look too steep, but the burn in your legs and lungs will soon convince you otherwise. It’s steep, alright. The steepest.

With a street this acute, it will come as no surprise to find that it was mapped out by planners in London. You could say it’s a strong argument against remote work (and trigonometry without accountability) but one look at Baldwin Street’s magical, diagonal, skew-whiff houses will convince you that only good things can come from flexible work options and slap-happy surveying – namely, some great novelty photo ops and a healthy dose of exercise.
If you’re not quite ready for a healthy dose of exercise, you’ll be pleased to discover that the hospitable people of Dunedin have put a seat about halfway up and another at the top, in case you need a breather and a couple of scenic rest-stops. When and if you get to the top, wipe that sweat out of your eyes and you’ll be repaid with sweet views of the street you just conquered and the lush greenery of the former quarry across the valley, which you can explore after Baldwin Street if you’re up to it.